Tuesday, August 21, 2012

#2: Marionette's of Society

     I think you make a valid point identifying that every individual has a “they” of their own Mr. Rushkoff. Ideally we like to think that we all make our decisions and choices on our own with no
outside interference. However you point out that our decisions are not made by us, but merely dictated to us through the commands of a higher authority. It’s agreeable to say that as we grow up our decisions are not our own but are made for us by our parents, but it doesn’t cease after we begin
our ascension from childhood to becoming an adult. I am not saying that as we mature into adults we
become puppets just waiting to be controlled by our “Marionettes”.(Bosses, media, Internet, etc…)We still have freedom to make our own decisions, however there may be some repercussions to those decisions depending upon the current circumstance.
     You also question us as to why we feel that we must listen to the “theys” who influence our futures. The reasons you have pointed out are highly viable in demonstrating why we feel we must submit to their decisions. I would like to add a little more to the explanation why. Each decision we made as a child has been closely monitored by our parents who worked piously at establishing a set of moral rules that built a foundation by which we used in our decision making. Often these moral rules originated from religious principals established within the church.Growing up we have been conditioned that certain decisions can be sinful, and if sin continues without repentance our souls may spend an eternity burning in hell. With this revelation laying dormant in our subconscious, the decisions we made as we matured were based out of the fear our parents instilled within us as a child. This insinuates that the decisions we made growing up were not justifiably ours but that of our parents or religious icons. Thus furthering your explanation as to why we feel we must listen to the “theys” of our society; because we have been conditioned to do so since we were children.

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